Christmas is upon us once again. Amid many uncertainties from the global pandemic to our own personal struggles, we are invited to reflect on why this is truly a time to be merry. At the center of the Christmas celebration is the “Good News” of the birth of our Savior, Jesus, who comes to save us from our sins, to show us how to live authentic, human lives through self-giving, and who promises to be with us through the ups and downs of our daily lives. He alone is the source of our hope and joy. In the words of Pope Francis, the “Light of Christmas shines all the brighter amid the darkness of pandemic.”
Our prayer is that you will invite Jesus into your hearts and homes this season as you celebrate our Savior’s birth, and that God continue to bless and guide the faculty, staff, students, families and alumni of Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!